Monday, July 13, 2009

What's happened in the garden today.

Last year Darkcloud and I went halves in a gamblers choice bulb selection. So this is the second time they've come up, but probably the first good year for flowering (I think we put them in a bit too late last time) I still have all the packets somewhere, so will figure out what they are when they flower.

Today this one is in full weird bloom (I love the spotty bromeliad like tongue leaves) and in the background is possibly a hyacinth budding.

I actually have big plans for the bulbs for next spring, something along the lines of this:

yeah! Australia's biggest flower show - Floriade in Canberra (our nations capital, and home of questicon, cool hands-on science museum!) Okay, so maybe not this massive a planting, but I'd like to have strong clumps of bulbs, instead of one here, one there...... Got to have plans...!

Also, these were the eggs that greeted me this morning. Either those bloody pigeons that have been getting a free ride have decided to work, or one of the chooks has just decided small is beautiful.
I'm hoping for working pigeons..
They are sitting on my first crocheted beanie (and to date the only one actually finished!)

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