Saturday, May 2, 2009

Yay! Green Things Are Growing!

The seeds are up!  These are some of the broad beans I planted a couple of weeks ago.  They are going to share a trellis (lovely hard rubbish find by darkcloud) with some jasmine, hopefully they'll kickstart the jasmine into a growth spurt.  Last year while at the fodder store for chook food I thought I'd get some seeds as well.  I said a little bag, and I ended up with a kilo of broadbean seeds.  That's a lot. So yesterday I just put the last of them in the garden. 

I'd already stored seeds from last years crop, but obviously missed a few, as every time I went to dig a new patch there was already stray broad beans there.  They'd sat on top of the soil baking all summer and had swelled up with the recent rains and were ready to go again - nature's amazing!

I think now I've got 7 patches of them...... possibly could have done one big one, but they still need a little support, so they went near fences and posts and in the end I did a big patch near the compost bin because I was sick of it!  It'll be interesting to see how many come up, and how many ways we'll eat them....lucky I've been collecting recipes!

The chooks having fun distributing hay.
I just wanted to put these up to show that things are coming back to life - thickening up and looking green and wild (which is much better than brown and half dead)  That's the echinacea up top, a friend gave me a bit of root and it's taken off, so I've starting splitting it to spread it out in the rest of the garden.  And the succulent patch below, which has recovered from the burning season and is getting nice and healthy looking again.  My plan is to extend this patch back to the chook fence, another 3-4m and remove most of the rocks, because even though they look nice, they just end up baking the plants in summer.  So I've been taking cuttings/pups from these as well.  Free plants!


  1. Here's my favorite broad bean recipe just in time for winter:

    Zuppa Fagioli Magnifico

    1 can ( 796 ml / 28 fl oz) Tomatoes, undrained ( i used diced)
    1 cup (250 ml) veggie stock
    ¼ tsp (1 ml) basil leaves, crushed
    ¼ tsp ( 1 ml) oregano leaves, crushed
    ½ tsp (2 ml) chili powder
    1 can (540 ml / 19 fl oz) chick peas, rinsed and drained
    1 can (540 ml / 19 fl oz) red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
    1 can (540 ml / 19 fl oz) broad beans, rinsed and drained

    Combine all ingredients and heat through. ( I find it tastes better reheated next day....flavours have had time to blend and be friends!)
    Serve with toasted buttered Italian bread

    Serves 4 – 6

    yum, yum
