Thursday, April 2, 2009

well here goes.....

I've been thinking about doing this for sometime, and have blatantly copied my friend, and friend's friends with regards to using this space as a way to talk about projects, share with other people, and in my case, use it as a motivating tool to finish said projects!

Also, it was my birthday yesterday, and I feel that birthdays are a second chance at starting the year anew, because often NYE comes around and there's not enough time to write that big list (which I love doing) of all the things you're going to do/change in the following year.  Often because you're on holidays/have relatives staying, ate too much, or are preparing crazily for two exhibitions and being morning sick (like I  was at the start of the year).

So, that's the intro, now for some projects!   I have been making this Charles Rennie Mackintosh inspired patchwork for quite a while now....(at least three years, possibly more).  I had the top and central structure designed right from the start, but ran into a snag when I didn't have enough pink to do what I wanted to do with the remaining bits.  So I put it away to stew for a goodly amount of time, and pulled it out last year to finish it, as it was designed to be a roman blind for my sewing studio, and in it's place was a wool blanket curtain that wasn't wide enough and wasn't very pretty to look at or insulated.

I finished it last year, but needed help putting it up, so it sat for another couple of months until my parents came a visiting with a burning desire to be helpful.  So thanks Dad (and Mum for distracting me from what my dad and husband were brainstorming (we went and played cards)). 

So here it is:  chocolate, carmel, cream and four types of pink corduroy, playing around with grainlines and nap.  I'm still not sure of the ricrac, but my roses needed stems, and well, I think it's kind of funny having this type of work with lurid green zigzag braid.

And here's what it (kind of) looks like backlit, I like window pane patchwork, the seams make lovely lines.

I'm happy with finally having the blind up and finished, and am planning the next two - hopefully they won't take as long!


  1. Beautiful! I'm a big fan of pink myself! If you are not sure about the ric rac, how about bias tape? It would follow the curve really nicely!

  2. thanks!
    I might try that next time, it's up now, and nothing's going to get it down (else it might not go back up!)

  3. I, while not the biggest fan of pink due in part to a current overdose of all things princess, can not help but love this. And the warm insulat-y-ness of stopping a window draft in it's tracks with something lovely is perfect. oh now I am lamenting my sad windows...
