Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wallpaper disappreciation society part 1

It's true. I want to join that society. We are nearly there though. Nearly kinda almost not quite nearly there.

It's been a full on week. This is the first day in nine that I haven't been at the house de-wallpapering. I can't remember what I used to do before wallpaper; either I'm pretty knackered by it all, or the wallpaper has just turned my brain to mush.

To start at the start, my fabulous MiLaw came over for a week to help in any which way she could, (unluckily for her it was the wallpaper) and we got things cranking when Xi was off having a fun time at childcare, and Tom could have some time at the house.

Front room (the wonder room with wallpaper that comes off like a dream...... wish the others were like it)

It was a different story when it was just the two of us and the baby.

This is exactly how much painting you can get done before the child realises that something more interesting than playing in a very exciting new sandpit just outside the door, is going on.
This is the mentioned sandpit. It's a hit, though we have been finding sand in unexpected places (carseats, prams, lunchboxes etc)

After that we took turns and then did a flurry when he was napping.

We also had a lot of help from some hardworking friends on the weekend -
Hallway coming along nicely.....

The pile of carpet from four rooms and the hallway, in the only main room that wasn't wallpapered (thank goodness for that!) That got taken away by D & J!

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