Friday, September 24, 2010

Xi's new room!

After Xi's first birthday, he moved into his own room, (finally - hooray!)

We were a bit concerned that he might freak out (like the books warn) so we'd take him in there all the time and show him his room (full of our junk) and talk about his new dinosaur light shade (which he loved/s) and when we finally got our stuff out of there and his in, it was not a problem at all. In fact, he started to sleep better already (no more daddy snoring, and mummy tossing and turning I guess!)

A beautiful glass mobile by Nick Mount, which is only in the baby room because we were afraid all the other ceilings would collapse.

He likes to pull out all his clothes out of the drawers. That stool next to him has a machine knitted cover - my first big piece!

Sorry for the poor quality of the photos, it's a room that gets basically no natural light, so it's quite hard to photograph in, but here's his special name crossstitch by his Great Aunty Kathy (to prove it's up and appreciated!)

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