Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm back, promise

GAH.....it's been how long?

I haven't posted since April?!

What happened??!!


Here's what:

tricky collaborative exhibition
packing a glass show
husband went overseas for 5 weeks
went to see family for two weeks (while single parenting)
baby got sick
we travelled to set up a show
parents visited
1st birthday party
Xi moved into his own room
started to look for a house
bought a house two weeks later.....

And to top it all off we've been having internet issues (to put it politely).
I will endeavour not only to put all the catch up photos on (for continuity) but to keep up to date, I just got really busy and fell into a funk and it all just piled up. Thousand and one apologies.......hope to make it up to my invisible audience, if anyone still checks this...

However I am back now and have the new toe paint (lurid and kinda fluro zombie green) to prove it!