Monday, January 3, 2011


Such a lot has happened since the discovery of the floor damage and the stalling of the renovation, but now we're back on track again, because we have a floor!

We scrambled around before Christmas trying to find a builder who'd come out and take a look at the job, and hopefully say yes to starting it by mid January at the earliest. I was thinking that was my best case scenario.

And then...........builder #7 said yes. And not only yes, but when we contacted him on the 23rd, he came out and had a look on Christmas Eve morning, and then said, yep, I'll send out a crew to start on Monday (remember, it was a public holiday) and you should have your floor by New Year's Eve.

And it happened!

So these are the kind of holes we worked around to finish painting the walls. This is the Office/Spare Bedroom.
Our bedroom.

Then came the builders. First they removed all the boards from four rooms and the hallway. Our hope for a polished floor in the hallway was dashed due to damage on virtually every board, and due to the fact that it'd be faster to rip everything out in terms of levelling it, and replacing. Above is the lounge, with it's little brick wall supports.

Here is Tom and Maximo on the Tuesday, when all the rooms were dug out, and the supports levelled.
Then the joists (termite proof) went in on Wednesday.
And then the floors went in on Thursday, and were finished on the weekend!

Next step is having to track down skirting boards of the correct (very tall) height, since our originals were either too eaten, damaged or just too covered in layers of enamel to spend time (which we don't have) trying to restore them. One supplier is open again on the 6th January, but we're hoping to find another source before that.........maybe.

Originally we were going to paint them, and then instal, but now we want to just put them on, just in case the builders can't come back to us for a while.

So. We get skirts. We paint them. We lay the carpet. We move. (we pack somewhere inbetween all that)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, but is there room for a table big enough to play Catan?!
