Thursday, April 15, 2010

Baby Days

I originally thought that this blog would just be about things I've been doing and making, but have realised that I can't really remove what I'm doing from what I'm doing with my son Xi, as I'm generally doing things with him (or around him, or carting him off to places with me), so I thought I'd show some of the things we've been getting up to lately.

He's been getting put to work weeding, and is learning to tell the difference between plants we like, and plants to put in the bucket.

We've been doing gardening in the mornings as he likes to look at the sky, listen to the birds, and sample the dirt. I still haven't built my path (think I need more time and helpers) but we've cleared the space in between the paths and have since sown all our old seed in the area.
He's been eating lots, and getting quite a wagayu build happening. I just liked this picture and wanted to put Tom in.

And we all learnt (and remembered) how to play mahjong which is my new favourite game to whip people's patooties in! (well....attempt to)

And I was experimenting with the layout, and it went blah and didn't want to go back! Apologies for the mess (and all the underlining...)

1 comment:

  1. i have many more photos for you from your party i will try and get them to you tomorrow
