Monday, December 7, 2009

What Happened To November?

I guess this did.....
Setting up the show in Sydney, traveling with the bub for the first time (three flights, no crying, fingers crossed for the next ones) meeting 20 relatives (the Sydney and Canberra mob).

Hanging out at the gallery, trying to occupy himself.

Here's a view of the show, Moore Is More, from the mezzanine. It's the same set up as the JamFactory show in February, with some different pieces, and less ponds and more roads.

I don't know what we were thinking when we believed that we could install that kind of exhibition with a 13 week old baby. We did it, but we didn't emerge that triumphant, more like shell shocked. Babysitters will definitely be invited next time!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! We moved houses when our baby was 5 weeks old, and I thought I'd go mental (and we had movers!) To set up a show with a baby is an incredible feat! Hope all is well.
